We are committed to every animal joining our family, sometimes they just need a little time to find their next family, but many times they need significant medical or behavioral care in order to overcome their past and become adoptable.
We are committed to finding a pathway to adoption for every animal that we can while still making sure we are only placing healthy, safe and sane animals into the community in which we live. We have been operating as a No-Kill Shelter since 2016, we are committed to saving more at risk lives each year.
Annually, we look back and say how can we do better, in 2020 it meant sending our first dog to a board and train with a specialized trainer. In 2021 that meant taking our first diaphragmatic hernia cat to KSU, and expanding our ringworm treatment room to allow for more transfers from Nebraska shelters that euthanize on diagnosis. In 2022, we expanded our ringworm treatment room again, treated our first litter of distemper puppies, tube fed a newborn puppy until we could repair a life-threatening cleft palate, removed a kidney from a kitten when he was diagnosed with hydronephrosis, all while still handling our typical medical cases that include kittens with broken legs or eye infections so severe their eyeball ruptures and needs removed. We will continue to strive to save just one more...